
A Pig in a Poke (part 1) -- Smash Comics #66 (AUG 1946)

The origin of the expression 'pig in a poke' comes from the 1500s, when a “poke” was a sack, and merchants would sell piglets in pokes, often sight unseen. When an unsuspecting buyer got his poke home and went to release the piglet, a chicken, duck, goose, or some other animal less valuable than a pig would come out of the bundle instead. The advice being given is “don’t buy anything until you have seen it.” (
The expression strikes me as very appropriate for the Midnight feature from August 1946.  As the story opens, Dave Clark is strolling past the offices of his (apparently) old friend, veterinarian Jim Gage.  He decides to drop in for a visit--just in time to see the Doc manhandling a thug whom he'd caught, "prowling around my office."
Squealing Like a Stuck Pig

As the ne'er-do-well is running away he ominously shouts, "Kirkey'll take care 'o you!"  When Dave asks what this is all about, Gage dismisses it as not "worth the trouble of asking."  The good doctor then quickly pivots the conversation by saying he has a very important announcement that Dave can make on air, if he likes.

Gage claims he's discovered a surefire method for detecting trichinosis in pigs.  Dave says that's "terrific," and we're treated to a couple of PSA style panels where Gage and Clark more-or-less break the fourth wall to tell us about the importance of government meat inspectors.  This whole conversation is interrupted, however, by a sudden phone call.

Dave offers some tongue-in-cheek condolence to Gage for the loss of his, "best girl."  Gage responds that it's worse than that:  She was his best lab assistant!  Dave smoothly segues into an exit by acknowledging there's little he can do to help his friend solve the new assistant vacancy...but he'll be sure to broadcast the Gage discovery.  With that, he's out the door.

Just outside, however, Dave notes that the thug who'd been casing Gage's office earlier has returned--with a gun!  Quickly donning his mask, our hero decides to pick up with would-be assassin where Gage left off.

Unfortunately, Midnight's opponent has an accomplice waiting across the street in a car.  While our boy is distracted beating his brown-suited yegg to a pulp, his wingman approaches and clubs the blue paladin unconscious.  By the time Midnight wakes, both assailants are gone.  He takes a quick peek in the window, sees Gage is fine and busy with something--and decides there's, "no sense in worrying him with all this."  [Yes.  You read that right.  Midnight decides that the guy who was apparently the intended target of a murder doesn't need to at least be warned that a dude showed up outside his office with a handgun to plug him!?]  Instead, he just takes off his domino mask and heads home.

Back at the Case de Clark (y amigos), Dave decides he really just needs a little meal to clear his head.  Alas, Sniffer has already wiped out all the roast beef.  After breaking up yet another near-fisticuffs between Wackey and original Snoop Dog, Dave volunteers to head out and buy, "a flock of pork chops" as it's almost dinner time.

Poor Dave can't seem to get a break, though.  At one butcher shop after another he keeps hearing the same story:  "Sorry, but the guy who was in here just before you bought up every piece of hog meat in the store!"  After about seven shops, Dave finally spots the pork-laden purchaser and tries to corner the guy to get some answers as to what the heck he's doing.

Who is this mystery man?
Why is he gathering all the pork in Big City?
Come back next week for the answers to these (and other) questions!

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